A-Z Alphabet on Christmas Bell

Alphabet Flashcards.This page is full of ideas for using our Alphabets for learning alphabets as well as for playing alphabet games. Ideas range from learning and recognising letters, to practicing alphabetical order and expanding vocabulary, so you should find something appropriate for all ages.

Print and laminate your child's initial, make a hole and attach to a key ring. Or use a ribbon or string to decorate a school bag or satchel so that your child will easily identify it.
Laminate for long term use.
A-Z Alphabet on Christmas Bell






Alphabet Flashcards. Click on coloring page image to open in a new window and print.






Alphabet Flashcards.click on coloring page image to open in a new window and print.




-Prepare sets of small cards with one letter on each card

-Divide the Children into groups of 2 or 3 (equal ability is desirable)

-Give each group 2 sets of cards (10 groups = 20 sets of cards)

-Have the groups scatter their cards face down on the floor or tables put together

-Children turn over one card at a time to find consecutive letters starting with 'A'

-Have them arrange the cards in any way they like, such as spirals or other patters

-If they turn over the wrong card they put it back face down and select another

-The first team to arrange all the letters first wins

-Give each team a stop watch to time themselves
-Instead of playing against other teams they can try and beat their own time

-Have them arrange the alphabet backwards

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