Letter F Worksheets

Letter F Worksheets

1.F is for Fish. Practice tracing curved dashed lines.
2. F is for Fishes.
3. Fish Rhyme. Draw a line from each word on the left to the matching word on the right side.
4.Find and circle two identical flowers.
5.F is for Fisherman, Farmer and Fireman.
6.Follow the lines with your pencil.
7.Trace and colorthe flower. Circle the picture that comes first.
8.Read funny riddles.Write the words which all start with the letter F.
9.Write the letter F. Draw a circle around each letter F.
10.F is for Fishes and Flowers. Circle the picture that comes first.
11. Follows the lines with your pencil. Draw a line to match the flowers with their shadows.
12. Frogs Rhymes.
Letter F Worksheets








This little froggy broke his toe
This little froggy said,  "Oh, oh, oh!"
This little froggy laughed and was glad.
This little froggy cried and was sad,
This little froggy did just what he should
He ran for the Doctor as fast as he could.

F is for fish,
Swimmimng in the sea.
I wish for a golfish
To come back to me!

Five Little Froggies 

A preschool body movement activity
Five little froggies sitting on a well
One looked up, and down he fell.
Froggies jumped high,
Froggies jumped low.
Four little froggies sitting on a well
One looked up, and down he fell.
Froggies jumped high.
Froggies jumped low.
   (continue with  two and three froggies then.....)
One little froggy sitting on a well
He looked up and down he fell.

Five Little Speckled Frogs 

Ask preschool children to perform these actions as they have fun with subtracting numbers.
Five little speckled frogs,
Sitting on a speckled log,
Eating the most delicious bugs...yum, yum.
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool.
Then there were four speckled frogs.
(Continue until only one frog is left)
One little specked frog.
Sitting on a speckled log,
Eating the most delicious bugs...yum,yum.
He jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool.
Now there are no speckled frogs.

The Frog 

A little green frog once lived in a pool
The sun was hot and the water cool,
He sat in the pool the whole day long,
And sung a dear little, queer little song,
"Juaggery do, Quaggery dee,
No one was ever so happy as me."

Pretty little goldfish
Never can talk.
All it does is wiggle
When it tries to walk.
One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let him go again!
Why did I let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
The little one on the right.

Five  Little Fishes 
For this fingerplay first make swimming motions with both hands then hold up one hand and wiggle a different finger as each line is said.
Five little fishes swimming in a pool
This one said,  "The pool is cool."
This one said,  "The pool is deep."
This one said,  "I'd like to sleep."
This one said,  "I'll float and dip."
This one said,  "I see a ship."
The fishing boat comes.
The line goes splash.
All the little fishes swim away in a flash!

Ten Little Fishes 
Ten little fishes were swimming in a school,
Preschoolers hold up ten fingers and then make swimming motions with  their hands. For the rest of the lines, wiggle each finger in turn.
This one said, "Let's swim where it is cool."
This one said, "It's a very warm day."
This one said, "Come on, let's play."
This one said, "I'm as hungry as can be."
This one said, "There's a worm for me."
This one said, "Wait, we'd better look."
This one said, "Yes, it's on a hook."
This one said, "Can't we get it anyway?"
This one said, "Perhaps we may."
This one, so very brave, grabbed a bite and swam away.

Little fishes in a brook,
Father caught them on a hook,
Mother fried them in a pan,
Johnnie eats them like a man.

Funny riddles

Give me food and I will live
Give me water and I will die
What am I?
Answer: Fire

Why is "U" the happiest letter?
Answer: because it is in the middle of "fun".

What flies around all day but never goes anywhere?
Answer:a flag

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