Letter V Worksheets.

Letter V Worksheets.
1.V is for VOLCANO. Practice tracing curved lines.
2. V is for Valentine.
3. Rhyme.Draw a line from each word on the left to the matching word on the right side.
4.Find and circle two identical Vegetables.
5.V is for Violin and Violinist.
6.Follow the lines with your pencil. Vanessa to Violin letter V maze.
7.Color the vegetables. Circle the picture that comes first.
8.Read funny riddles.Write the words which all start with the letter V.
9.Write the letter V. Draw a circle around each letter V.
Letter V Worksheets

 Letter V Worksheets.
 Letter V Worksheets.

Funny riddles

My thunder comes before the lightning; my lightning comes before the clouds; my rain dries all the land it touches. What am I?
Answer:a volcano

How do porcupines play leapfrog?
Answer:very carefully.

Tongue Twisters Starting With V

What veteran ventriloquist whistles.
Valuble valley villas

Knock Knock Jokes "V"

Knock Knock
Who's there !
Vlad !
Vlad who ?
Vlad to meet you !

Knock Knock
Who's there !
Vanessa !
Vanessa who ?
Vanessa time I'll ring the bell!


Lyrics to "A Violet Violin"
(tune of "If you're happy and you know it")

Oh, I wish I were a violet violin!
Oh, I wish I were a violet violin!
Then Id be purple and Id play,
Id have music to make my day.
Oh. I wish I were a violet violin!

My Valentine
Sing this song to the tune of "The Muffin Man"

Oh, will you be my valentine?
My valentine?  My valentine?
Oh, will you be my valentine?
And love me every day?
Oh, yes, I'll be your valentine,
Your valentine, your valentine.
Oh, yes, I'll be your valentine,
And love you every day.

V is for violet,
A flower of spring,
When the days get longer
And the birds sing!

V is for Five and also in seven,
It is in twelve and in eleven.

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