4 Year Old Development

Age 4-5

In this section “4 Year Old Development” we have collected the whole material, published on our site, which will help you and your child to study and get ready for the next advanced level of knowledge.

In this section we will help you to learn and define the level of your child’s development, i.e. what your child must know and be able to do at the age from 4 to 5 years.

The material for your lessons you can download free of charge and use at home, kindergarten and at school.


1. The child must know how to define the location of subjects: on the right, on the left, in the middle, up/down, behind, in front of
2. The child must know the basic geometric figures (circle, ellipse, square, triangle and rectangle)
3. The child must know all the figures (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
4. The child must know how to put the figures from 1 to 5 in correct and reverse sequence
5. The child must be able to compare the numbers of subjects , understand their meanings: bigger-smaller, equally
Logical thinking

1. The child must be able to find the differences and resemblance between 2 pictures (or between 2 toys)
2. The child must be able to fold a picture, cut into 2-4 pieces 
3. The child must be able to put the missing parts in the empty spaces of the picture
4. The child must be able to give the general name to the group of objects (a cow, a horse, a goat - domestic animals; winter, summer, spring- seasons of the year). He must be able to find the redundant item in every group and the pair to each one. 
5. The child must be able to match the opposite words: full-empty glass, high-low tree, go fast-go slowly, cold-hot tea and so on.
6. The child must be able to see the wrong image of the objects and explain what is incorrect and why.

Language skills

1. The child must realize the difference between the human’s and animal’s structure and be able to name the parts of the body (hands-paws, nails-claws, hair-fur)
2. The child must be able to find the object by its description (an apple-circle, sweet, yellow) and know how to describe the object without somebody’s help.
3. The child must know what professions can be and what people of these professions are busy with
4. The child must be able to hold a conversation: know how to answer and ask correct questions
5. The child must be able to retell the gist of the heard fairy-tale, story and be ready to recite some poems
6. The child must tell his name, surname, age and city he lives in
7. The child must be able to answer questions, concerning recent events: Where have you been today? Who did you see on the way? What did mother buy in the shop? What did you wear?

Skills of everyday usage

1. The child must know how to differentiate vegetables, fruit and berries and know their kinds
2. The child must know the names of insects and be able to tell about their motions (a butterfly flies, a snail crawls, a grasshopper jumps)
3. The child must know all domestic animals and their cubs
4. The child must be able to guess seasons in pictures and know their signs
5. The child can perfectly fasten the buttons, zippers and untie shoelaces. He uses spoons and forks properly
6. The child must be able to thread big buttons and beads
7. The child must be able to draw lines correctly without taking the pencil from the paper
8. The child must be able to shade figures with straight lines, without leaving the contour of the picture
9. The child must be able to trace and paint the pictures, without leaving the contour of the picture
10. The child must be able to draw a line in the middle of the road, without leaving its edge
11. The child must be able to differentiate the right and the left hands

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